Dr.Kristina Lindström-埃塞俄比亚可持续农业技术的研究进展

【 来源: 编辑:黄竞人 时间:2016-11-14 浏览:


SOILMAN -­ Working forsustainable agriculture in Ethiopia


2016/11/17 周四 上午10:00




Kristina Lindström is a professor in sustainable development with emphasis on sustainable, legume-based agriculture and soil health. She is the coordinator of the Actor group Ground for Growth and a member of the planning group for the Helsinki Sustainablilty Science Center. Her special interest lies in interaction with farmers and other stakeholders both in Finland and in Ethiopia. She has worked on legumes, rhizobia and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) since 1979. Research involves microbiology, molecular ecology, phylogenetics, taxonomy and bioremediation with micro- and macrosymbionts, regarding both Finnish agricultural legumes and native and agricultural Chinese and African ones. She has been involved in several EU projects and coordinated one, established and led a Nordic network on Soils and Society and a CIMO collaboration with African partners. She has received research funding from the Academy of Finland on a regular basis. Her research now includes sustainability aspects of BNF, especially regarding legumes and inoculation in Ethiopian and Finnish agriculture, as well as soil quality from a trans-disciplinary perspective. She led the Helsinki University Challenge science competition team Ground and Growth 2014-15. She has published 138 peer reviewed scientific papers, 10 book chapters and many popular scientific articles, and often appears in media. She has supervised 16 and co-supervised 7 PhD theses and 6 post docs. The current research group consists of 3 postdocs, 2 PhD students and 2 visiting PhD students. She is a member of the ad hoc working group on new visions on Finnish food policy and appears regularly in news media, speaking on sustainable development, agriculture and BNF. Her talk will be on the project SOILMAN, a transdisciplinary collaboration aiming at sustainable agriculture in Ethiopia.




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