第 11 届农业与环境国际学术研讨会(第一轮通知)

【 来源: 编辑: 时间:2018-05-10 浏览:

新形势下,中国农业正处于由过渡依赖农用化学品投入、高生态环境代价、满足“量”需求的粗放生产方式,向更加注重农业生产与环境保护协调发展,追求“质”需求的集约生产模式的关键转型期。为深入探讨当前我国农业面临的土壤与环境等问题,加强学习交流农业环境保护世界科技前沿,有力推动我国现代农业创新和绿色发展理论完善与技术研发,中国土壤学会和中国科学院南京土壤研究所定于2018 年 10 月 14 日至 18 日在江苏南京召开“第 11 届农业与环境国际学术研讨会”(11th International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment)。农业与环境国际研讨会由国际学界发起,每两年举办 1 次,自 1998 年起至今已在欧美洲等国家举办 10 届。此次会议为首次在中国召开,大会主题为:创新农业科技,应对环境变化! 欢迎国内外同行相聚金陵古都!

Feeding the increasing population and preventing environmental degradation and climate change aretriple of the greatest challenges facing agriculture. To raise awareness among international community on agro-environmental issues associated with food production, the 1st international Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment was initiated at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan in 1998. It had hitherto been successfully held, every two years for 10 times in Turkey, Egypt,Italy, Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil and USA. The past ten symposia had provideda good opportunity for thousands of scientists worldwide from universities, research institutes and government departments to exchange their research studies on global and regional agro-environmental issues.

The Green Revolution has drastically increased the productivity of Chinese agriculture. However, the dramatic use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides has also resultedin serious agro- and environmental problems in China. The key challenge for China is feeding a population of 1.3 billion while simultaneously decreasing the negative environmental impacts of agricultural production. Tremendous efforts and progresses have been made by the government, science community and other stock holders in the past decade to meet this challenge, making China an ideal place to discuss agro-environmental challenges.The 11thInternational Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment (AgroEnviron 2018), therefore, will be held on14-18 October, 2018 in Nanjing, China.

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